oh boy, here I go

well, tomorrow is the day, 8:15, so this is my last ever day with all my own parts. Quite a thing to contemplate, and so not fun have decided to stop worrying and love the bomb and take a xanax and chill.
Went and did my Curves workout, so feel good about that anyway, and F. came home with a lovely lunch from our favorite Italian deli. Guess we’ll likely go out for dinner or get another take-out meal tonight as neither of us feels like cooking, and then it’s off to my big adventure with my huge stack of new books and my sketch pad.
Don’t know when I’ll be back online. Be good, and happy, all.

post trip drip

Jolynn, I really felt for you in all that tropical gorgeousness over there, knowing you were in NJ and it was very winter, but was perversely delighted to wake to a garden glowing with snow this morning. Just dripping now and am afraid all that lovely whiteness will be mud tomorrow, but still so happy to be back home in the fresh, clean cold. 
 Karen, you would have LOVED the tidal pond — the fish were so friendly and funny! How are your three charmed ones faring in their glass world? Do you remember our kitchen? We used to have a smallish tank on the counter where we all sit, you know, where I park the laptop, and a really big one in the bookcase behind the dining room table, all filled with veil-tails and fan-tails and albino catfish and a pleko or two — I loved those! Poor Mom — she managed to kill them all by mistake when we were on our honeymoon a million years ago. She felt rotten about it. How are things with you all?

good times, good friends :)


at a friend’s house up high above Hilo watching his pigeons fly and getting repacked for three days in Kona, just dropping in to say hi.
 It was very hard leaving that strange little house down by the tidal pools with the wonderful huge deck where we lounged for hours reading, and especially hard to leave the sweet little fish in the warm tidal pond. I’d gotten seriously hooked on hand-feeding them and having them swim all over my hands and arms. Adorable creatures.
 We had some fabulous dinners with friends in their lovely homes, and in Pahoa which looks like a Wild West stage set with its tilting clapboard buildings all painted different exotic colors and odd raised wooden sidewalk that wanders amiably over tree roots. It was a bit of a surprise to find such really great (and cheap!!!) restaurants in such a ramshackle-looking place. Very charming. One Italian restaurant had a gorgeous sweet and friendly ginger cat who’d recently had a litter of three, which I got to play with, a very special treat.
Well, off to Saddle Road (hope I make it over without losing my lunch) and Kona.
Be well, all

aloha from Pahoa haha, well, it’s where we are

am in a peeling sticky falling down wierd dark internet cafe in town getting to know the local cooties which, like most everyone else here are terrifically friendly. Have been having great times and fabulous meals with old friends, very busy eating ourselves into comas (not to mention Mai Tais)when not soaking in the hot pond, feeding the charming, if demanding, flocks of fish below our deck. Am off to buy them more fish food so we can hang out together after dinner tonight. Hope you’re all well and happy.