and, but

despite everything going well, I just can’t seem to get my creative energy spigot turned on again. It seems rusted shut. Any suggestions?

on a personal note…

…WookieRosie is finally home after weaning her adorable puppies, and my darling Frank is officially in remission, a great relief to both of us. We’re going together on Thursday to see his oncologist to determine the best course of treatment for the future. Please wish us luck!

Friday night ack

am going to have my heart in my throat Friday night hoping that Biden will work his magic against that shark, Palin. She’s being so professionally prepped I fear she’ll come off sounding as if she really knows something about the world. What a scary woman! Anyone else nerved up about it too?

weekend update

 In spite of my beloved being home, am still having to take a bit of Xanax every few days for panic attacks which are a new thing for me this summer. What fun!  And in spite of having absolutely wonderful guests this weekend, upended my good mood by having a horrendous phone call with my one Republican cousin L. who is unforgivably and irrevocably brainwashed by her brain dead husband. They hate Obama, call him a socialist (this is a dirty word?), and are blaming this whole economic disaster on….. guess who! CLINTON!  I almost laughed out loud but she gets apoplectic if I disagree with her and hasn’t got a shred of a sense of humor. L. told me her husband says Biden is going to bow out for “health” reasons and they’re going to install Hilary as Veep. Apparently he reads five newspapers a day so he knows absolutely everything.
:this is me rolling my eyes: Who knows.
gawd — you’d think they’d have learned not to trust their political judgement after two Bush terms!
     On the food front, we’re still eating fish, seafood and poultry along with the veggies, fruits, and whole grains, but I’m determined to work on some delicious replacements especially for the poultry so we can head toward vegetarianism, and am going to hunt down all local sources of organic food. After leukemia, we’re both taking food more seriously.
   Given the current economic situation and its likely aftermath, I’m lobbying Frank to build us a greenhouse so we can start growing our own produce, and a small barn so we can keep a couple of goats and get goat’s milk and cheese. Rob and Judi already have chickens, so I can get eggs from them. Seriously. I feel Armageddon coming.
    Two of my guests this weekend, lovely young women (with a stupendously wonderful yellow lab– those speaking eyes), work on Wall Street  and are in a state of shock. Hope to collar them at some point and ask them what they think is going to happen.
Hope everyone is having a gorgeous weekend.

great news, in spite of the rain and rash!

after what seems like eons, my darling Frank is on his way home from the hospital. Have spent the day baking buttermilk-oat bread and chocolate cupcakes for him, which I hope will distract him from the poison ivy on my face. Gardening — bah humbug! Of course, after seven weeks of battling leukemia, I don’t suppose he’ll be much concerned with a rash. Can’t wait to take him over to see WookieRosie and the puppies!