this is the coolest clothing site

and not only that, the young woman who sells these skirts and dresses is a real sweetheart

eBay Seller: vintage silk wraps: Clothing, Shoes Accessories items on

at the show with a friend

me at the show with a friendI’m the one with the messy hair, of course

garden bench

garden bench

one pot from show

montauk sand

montauk sand


this first birthday without Frank is……oddly enough, I can’t find the words for the feelings.

I keep thinking about all I’ve lost in my life, all the love that used to enfold and protect and nurture me and wonder who I am without it, without those essential, strong, wonderful, beloved lives that lived in and through and around my own. And then I think how unbelievably lucky I have been to have had such great loves, to have grown through them, and in them, and for them like so many vines intertwined, all reaching roots deep into the soil for nurture, and upward toward the sun for blessing, together.

life, it seems, goes on


had to have my Raku gas lines replaced and now the kiln fires differently, which is challenging but so far, very nice. Have glazed and fired more than enough new pots for the upcoming show (the 12th) and am very happy with the results: lots of copper flashes and fabulous blues and greens and textures. Will post pictures when I can. I forgot to mention, one of the local home furnishings stores is now carrying my work. Two pots sold with an hour of my dropping them off there. Small pleasures, deeply treasured.