my beloved Frank

Frank was an extraordinarily happy man. He loved everything about life. For him, everything was an adventure: friendships, trips to some very odd places, golf, the everyday tasks and challenges of life, even chemotherapy.
     He was devoted to the host of abandoned, sick and wounded animals that have populated our home almost as deeply as he was devoted to his large, extended family, and his two boys and their little ones. His capacity for love really knew no limits.
    As soon as he was old enough for his feet to reach the pedals, Frank would drive his father’s tractor to the airport after school to watch the planes and became a wonderful pilot and mechanic, able to take apart and fix just about anything. He was a terrific chef who turned ordinary recipes into spectacularly original meals, just as he turned his mechanical and analytical skills into an amazing career in building. The reason I mention both of these together is they often dovetailed, as most of his clients in the building business became friends and spent many evenings around our dinner table, sampling his kitchen adventures. The fact that so many of his clients became such dear and loyal friends is a tribute to his honesty, his creativity, his integrity, his skills, and his choice of wonderful clients.
Frank loved and has left behind his family, more dear friends than any of us can count, and his wife, for whom he was and always will be, absolutely everything.

another Monday…

…and Frank is still breathing. They’re going to have to dialize him tomorrow, more than likely, which will make him more comfortable but if they can’t get this infection undwer control we’re going to lose him. The fight of his life, really, cliche though it is — too terrifying to really wrap my mind around.

I happened to notice that the hateful, abusive, miserable wretch who calls herself Blu is back after a blessed hiatus in the community blog, so I’ll be avoiding it. I just don’t have the energy to countenance that kind of ugliness. Am exhausted after spending all day every day in ICU, and trying to keep house and keep Frank’s buisness afloat as well. The class I was going to start teaching tomorrow is on hold.

Hope the rest of you are well and happy.