hope this link works:

scum-sucking slimeballs got me MAD tonight

what’s going on now in our illustrious government is yet another lesson from my Dog Training Manual, Volume One. Obama thought he was dealing with individual, honorable, well-intentioned human beings and has found himself, for all his trouble, fighting off a rabid pack of sub-human self-serving partisan hacks. The first thing you find in working with dogs is if you don’t show them who’s boss right off the bat, you’re absolutely screwed. I could have told him this bi-partisan effort he ran and won on would never work, but nobody ever asks me. In fact, I DID tell him, in several probably unread emails, but there you are.
    Well, it was a noble effort.  I hope he’s learned from this republican disgrace of a response to his attempt to run the country taking everyone’s opinion into account that this is going nowhere fast, and he needs to repeat to himself and to THEM every single day:     “I WON”. 
    President Obama, those people lost because their ideas are morally and politically bankrupt, their deceitful strategies, lies, stonewalling, and pocket-lining have been exposed and have left us all broken and betrayed, and they’ve driven this country, in fact the entire world, into a deep, deep ditch. They are failures — YOU are a success. The people have put YOU in power. Don’t ask the republicans anything. or expect any cooperation from them. They are rabid with failure and will only bite you to death if you allow them.
Think he’s going to listen?

I know…

…with all the suffering and death going on in the world this is less than momentous news, but  I just found out that my favorite Not-My-Own-Golden, Rookie, has died. I’ve been emailing videos of Rookie and his “mom” dancing (canine freestyle) to people over the years and always stopped to watch them myself — the dog was such an amazing spirit, a pure joy, and the bond those two shared was something utterly miraculous.

RIP Rookie.

calling all angels — updated 3x « Land of PureGold Foundation