sunshine at last!

big day today. After 8 or 9 years of talking about it, F.  suddenly decided to take the plunge and had his crew take out the wall behind the bed in the Big Room to put in a huge picture window which is enormously exciting as that room has always been a bit dark and closed in. Have taken a few “before” pictures but I don’t think they came out too great as all the light is coming in from the giant hole in the wall. Now a lot of the lovely flowering trees and evergreens in the garden can be seen from that room — what a change!

no sick like an old sick


it’s been a pretty difficult two weeks, what with the pain meds wreaking havoc in my stomach but now I’m off all pain meds except tylenol and as a consequence am pretty sore, though not being sick to death in the stomach is much better alternative. I can stand the pain in the hip and baby it when need to without wishing I were dead from the nausea. I did, however, lose 11 pounds and weigh less than I did when I met F. in 1979. Feels good to fit into some of those ancient size 10s I had stored in a  box called “archives”.  🙂

    The guys moved some new trees over here that were being stored in mulch at the farm, so today is planting day. Some weeping cherries, a dogwood a host of new viburnum we have no idea where to plant, and a few others. Then we have to install some irrigation stuff and top-dress the whole two acres. No, am not under any delusion all this will get done today, but it feels good to see the projects getting going. Nice day for it too — bright and sunny, though pretty cool still. Now if I could tackle my kitchen…
Boring allpopeallday TV day today instead of news, or what passes for news on weekends anyway — hope I have enough stored stuff to watch while I heat soak my hip. Bill Maher was pretty good — anyone see his last?
How are you all?