lights, camera…

spent most of the afternoon in Bridgehampton getting my photograph taken and taping an interview on the subject of Obama, specifically, Women for Obama, a small film project that has grown beyond its original bounds and will continue into next week. Don’t know if my segment will make the cut, but I hope so — it took a bucket of sweat to get me in front of that video camera. I met some women from a couple of very, very old segments of my life (one who had adopted a shelter dog I’d been fostering anout 15 years ago, and another I’d met in the old days working at the lefty newspaper in NYC), which was interesting, and had a cup of decaf with a local friend who fluffed my curls and boosted my confidence.
How was your day, folks?


just finished a skype call with my sweetie — he’s so handsome!  Aint technology grand?!

: D

some good words sent me by a religious friend:

“When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over.  He does not need punishment; he needs help and useful information.  That’s the message he is sending by his outburst.  You have the choice whether or not to take him personally and how to respond.”

What do you guys think?

raisin/cranberry weekend

didn’t manage to see the pups this weekend as was inundated with super friendly B&B guests and old friends, lots of cooking, great wine and cheeses, and some terrific music (Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater, which I seem to have fallen in love with for the fifth or tenth time and everyone else loved) and Pentangle, I know, not even close.
Frank made Chicken Marbella which was marbelous, and I made salad. Serving and cleaning up is my job when we have company — suits me fine. Frank’s a great chef. I did bake the bread though (a raisin/cranberry oat and whole wheat challah), so do not have to beat myself for being a slug this time.
Hope everyone’s weekend was lovely.


one of the things our new guest said when she walked around our place was “I’m so glad to have found you — this seems like such a great place to have a nervous breakdown!”

I smiled and said, “It is! I’ve had several!” She laughed.

: )

the view from Friday, bright and clear


as it happens, Frank’s treatment is going to be more complicated and arduous than we had hoped (no sibling match), but he has such a great spirit I know he’ll ace this, no matter how hard it gets.
When a couple of angry, sick people pop up in our lives (thankfully, there have only been two), I think about how lucky I am to have this wonderful man in my life, and to be surrounded by such loving, interesting, and supportive friends, and the pettiness of those tiny mean-spirited folk just melts away.
My thanks to all of you
Sappy sentimental stuff now over, a bit of good news:
our guests this weekend are absolutely lovely people, full of humor and charm, always a pleasure to have when you’re running a guest house. We’ve been really lucky this year with terrific guests, some of whom have become fast friends.
And I just sold two mugs and a vase, which means we’ll have lots of buying power for the party we’re throwing for Frank tomorrow night, Am going to see the last remaining two puppies tomorrow too, so hopefully, will have a few new pictures to post. Dayum, they are SOME cute!!!!!

here’s a riddle:

what happens when a cop car makes a very fast blind U-turn into oncoming traffic?
     BAM! That was me, doing the bamming, with great verve and gusto I might add. Since it was so clearly not my fault I laughed my head off, pulled over to the side of the road (so did he), went over to lean into his window and said in my sternest, most school-marm voice, “May  see your license and registration please, sir?”. HAR!!! He was all over “are you alright??? Are you sure??? Is your car okay??? Are you sure???” I just laughed and told him my name and said “you owe me one, kiddo”, patted him on the shoulder and sent him on his way. He showed up in our driveway a couple of hours later just to make sure I was still okay. Sweet kid. Ironically, I’d been on my way to the chiropractor to work on this two-week old neck-headache. Life is funny.
Frank and I had lunch at a place called Cherrystones about one and a half minutes from our house this noon, great crabcakes and a very tasty beet salad. Even for a cloudy day, it’s been nice. Back to room-changing chores.
Hope everyone else is avoiding cop cars.


if it appears blank, click on the blank space and the picture will appear

a puppy huddle (at the breeder’s house)

this was last week. Now, only four left. My favorite female found a home with a local newspaper editor, so I’ll be Ble to watch her grow up

: )

a visitor in the garden : )

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